Comment Period
The Phase 2 Draft EIS public comment period ended on July 6, 2017. This was the last of four public comment periods for the Energize Eastside EIS.
Following publication of the Final EIS on March 1, 2018, PSE will need to obtain land use and construction permits from each of the five jurisdictions where the Energize Eastside project is proposed to be built: Bellevue, Newcastle, Renton, Redmond and unincorporated King County. PSE would not need permits from the City of Kirkland since no part of the proposed project would be built within its boundaries. Each of the five jurisdictions has their own permitting process that includes opportunities for public comment. Click here to read a handout with information on the local permitting processes.
The Phase 2 Draft EIS public comment period ended on July 6, 2017. This was the last of four public comment periods for the Energize Eastside EIS.
Following publication of the Final EIS on March 1, 2018, PSE will need to obtain land use and construction permits from each of the five jurisdictions where the Energize Eastside project is proposed to be built: Bellevue, Newcastle, Renton, Redmond and unincorporated King County. PSE would not need permits from the City of Kirkland since no part of the proposed project would be built within its boundaries. Each of the five jurisdictions has their own permitting process that includes opportunities for public comment. Click here to read a handout with information on the local permitting processes.
PSE Permit Applications
PSE has begun submitting permit applications for portions of the Energize Eastside project. Applications must be filed separately for each jurisdiction because each must issue separate permits.
For information about the permit application for Bellevue, visit the City's webpage or contact Heidi Bedwell (425-452-4862, [email protected]).
For information about the permit application for Newcastle, visit the City's webpage or contact Dave Van De Weghe (425-649-4444, [email protected]).
For information about the permit application for Renton, visit the City’s webpage for the project, or contact Jill Ding, [email protected].
PSE has begun submitting permit applications for portions of the Energize Eastside project. Applications must be filed separately for each jurisdiction because each must issue separate permits.
For information about the permit application for Bellevue, visit the City's webpage or contact Heidi Bedwell (425-452-4862, [email protected]).
For information about the permit application for Newcastle, visit the City's webpage or contact Dave Van De Weghe (425-649-4444, [email protected]).
For information about the permit application for Renton, visit the City’s webpage for the project, or contact Jill Ding, [email protected].